Thursday 12 February 2009

Victorian bush fires

I know that pictures of the bush fires have been broadcast in the UK and you have seen the horror and devastation they have caused. The feeling in Oz for those affected has been amazing and so far $25 million have been collected in donations to help people rebuild there lives. The Red Cross is heavily involved in the recovery process and I'm off to Victoria tomorrow to help. I'm excited to go and do my bit, but feel trepidation about what I might see and hear.

Saturday 7 February 2009

Unmarked police cars

The police are crafty here and will pull you over whilst driving anything from a Hyundai Getz (no one canes it here) to a pick up truck. Even we mainly observe the speed limit. I know! Try not to fall off your chair!!!

We're on the move again

Never wanting to let the grass grow under our feet we're on the move again. Well, actually, we were only able to secure a short term rental that would take pets when we arrived. We'd really underestimated how hard renting with pets would be. Anyway, we've moved into another house in the same street, moving from no 28 to no 33. The house is smaller, but much nicer and feels like a home rather than a rental property as the last 2 places we have lived in have. We'll stay here until we move into our own home later this year. To be honest we are both completely over the moving thing. Jack, you were right, this is the most disruptive thing about the whole process. Still, in theory we will only have to move once more......

Thursday 5 February 2009

New guests on our plot

Yes, we have a couple of horses now lodging on our plot of land, and in the process providing a couple of benefits: -
1. Keeps our 'lawn' mown fro free
2. Provides great manure ready for our compost bins (which we've yet to build)

Here's a picture of one of the horses being unnecessarily rude.