Saturday 18 July 2009

Saturday sunshine

Took a quick trip to the 'building site' to see how the driveway was progressing.
Pleased to find it all done, along with the removal of top-soil and sub-soil where the carport and garage will go.
Some pics below: -
1. View up the drive
2. Clearing for carport and garage (2 pics)
3. View down the drive

Thursday 16 July 2009

Road to nowhere

Yes, after months of discussions and planning and furrowed brows, we have finally got started with our house building. Woohoo!!

Here is our 'road to nowhere' (at the moment anyway).

Thursday 2 July 2009

Farewell to Tasha

Maybe old news to some, but unfortunately it's RIP Tasha.
She suffered either a stroke or brain tumour but, either way, she was no longer enjoying a good quality of life so we had to make the call :(
We buried her in a good spot in our garden.