Sunday 20 September 2009

Windows 'n' Doors

Housebuilding progress report No. 37 - are you bored yet?

Some of the gaping holes in the house have started to be filled in with lovely double-glazed cedar-framed doors 'n' windows. These are all made by a husband and wife joinery firm in Margate, about 10 minutes drive away from Allens Rivulet.
The electrician has also just started the first-fix, i.e. running cables all over the place and marking out where our sockets, light switches, lights, A/V stuff goes. So many decisions to make!!

Tuesday 15 September 2009

What the papers say

Thought we'd share with you some of the key headlines from the 'Sunday Tasmanian'.
Maybe for the front page you'd expect a piece of national or international importance - perhaps something on the economic stimulus package from the Rudd Government and its effect on the unemployment trend. No, sorry, we got 'MIRACLE MOGGIE' which outlines the fascinating return of a cat from one part of Australia to another! Don't believe us - here you go: -

Or how about the next fascinating article - 'Crusade of broccoli boffin', including the ever memorable 'brocolli benefits'.

Thursday 10 September 2009

A roof over our heads

Finally, just as the torrential rains have started to give way to light cloud and sunshine, the house has a hat!
Some windows and doors are also now fitted although the attached piccie isn't quite up to date - it's a couple or three days old.
Before you know it the external cladding will go up - a mixture of Colorbond steel and Cedar wood.