Thursday 31 December 2009

Phew, what a scorcher!

Forecast to be 35 today, the temperature is currently an uncomfortable 37. At 6pm it is forecast to be 31 - hopefully it will be a lot cooler than that! Today reminds us why we live in Tassie and not further north where temperatures such as these are a more regular occurrence.

Wednesday 30 December 2009

Who's in the house?

We are - huzzah!!

Despite there being a few bits still for the builder to finish off, we moved in just before Christmas.
It's lovely to finally have our own house again after renting for over a year in three different houses. Here are two or three pics of the house shortly before we moved in, and before the builder sent in his cleaners (so ignore the somewhat dirty 'n' dusty look).

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Friends and family

Well it was great to see everyone but the time seemed to flash by!
Singapore, Ringwood, Cambridge, Norfolk, Barcelona - all seem a bit of blur now.
Here's just a few pics we took along the way.

Raffles Hotel in Singapore

Baby Elouise and Dad

The folly at Wimpole Hall, Cambridge

The cart that John's nearly built, Norfolk

Crazy architecture in Barcelona, thanks to Gaudi