Wednesday 27 January 2010

New job for J

After working with the Studywiz people for a little over a year, I have decided to change jobs. And, not content with just a new place to work, I am going to be working in a new industry sector and a change of role!
So, from educational sector software company in a Project Management role
to financial services company in a Business Analyst role.
New company is the Retirement Benefits Fund TAS, so at least my superannuation (pension) fund should be sorted out.

Friday 15 January 2010

Mad as a box of frogs!

Not content with brining in our own hay on Monday we thought we'd help one of our neightbours. Driving home from work we noticed a guy getting hay in by himself and believe me it is a tough job, so we went home, got changed and went to offer our help. Brett was thrilled, although a little surprised as we had never met before. An hour later and the 3 of us had got in 120 bales. We slept well last night!

Brett and his wife, Donna, offered us a beer and gave us 5 books on natural farming and animal husbandry - winner!! Unfortunately they are selling up and moving back to Hobart. This does mean that they will be selling their equipment though..... Shame we've just bought a ride on mower!

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Leaving work early to get the hay in

Not something either of us imagined doing even a month ago. The grass on our paddock hasn't been mowed since the horses left in May, so we decided to have it slashed for hay naively believing we'd get about 50 bales. That was until we spoke to neighbour who reckoned we'd get between 250 and 300! What on earth were we going to do that lot! Luckily 2 neighbours with horses offered to have some so we're left with 60. Anyway, being city folk we had no idea that you have to get the hay in on the day it is baled and it was 36 degrees yesterday. Pretty hot for moving 293 bales! With a lot of help from the neighbours it took us 4 hours. We celebrated with Mark and Ann from over the road with sangers on the barbie (Translation: Sausages on the BBQ)

Hay that's been 'fluffed' ready for the baling machine: -

Bales of hay ready for moving: -

Chris (Dad), Joshua and Nick from next door: -