Tuesday 29 June 2010

Misty morning

Whilst the sun shines on Wimbledon it's winter here. This photo was taken on a morning walk with Jerry last week within 200 metres of our house. The main difference with winter here is that later this day the sun came out and it was 14 degrees. We are having a gloriously mild winter, long may it last!

Monday 7 June 2010

The last 4 months

Sorry we have been so rubbish, life has got away from us! So here is a brief overview of our life since our last post.


J's old company went into liquidation the day after he left. This meant we lost just over $13K in pay, holiday pay and pension. J was by far not the worst affected with one employee owed $76K and an Aussie bank and the Tassie government are owed millions. It's quite controversial here and quite regularily in the paper as the company underwent a management buy out, changed it's name and began trading again within weeks. The liquidator is trying to raise the funds to do an investigation into whether the buyout was legal.

We were lucky, J had another job. Plus there is a scheme here whereby you can claim lost wages if a company goes into liquidation so we have put in an application and will wait and see.


We were joined by Jerry, a four year old ex racing greyhound who is an absolute delight. Large, even compared to other male greyhounds, Jerry weighs nearly 40kgs and has been described as a small horse! He loves running around the block and is particularly fond of chasing wallabies and possums, something we are working on with him!


I worked really long hours preparing a number of documents for publication. It reminded me that we left the UK for a less stressful life and for a moment I didn't achieve it. Still I have just had a week off to compensate for all the extra time I worked so life can't be so bad!


We put in the raised beds for our veggie patch and have started planting. We now have over 55 square metres of beds so hopefully we'll have enough food! I just need to organise some netting as the veggie patch will need to be completely enclosed so we get to eat the produce rather than the possums!


Continuing with the food theme we have begun planting fruit trees for what we optomistically call our orchard! Next weekend we are building a chook run for the chickens that our neighbours are giving us. Our own egss, brilliant! We are on our way to becoming more self sufficent. Less time spent in the supermarket, I can't wait!

It's winter here and the days are pretty short with the sun rising at about 7am and setting just after 5pm. Longer than in the UK, but the summer days here are shorter and we don't get those lovely long summer evenings. The weather is mixed with some days glorious with blue skies and not a cloud in sight, today is over cast and about 12 degrees. It rained on the weekend and it still seems weird how pleased everyone always is when it rains. Last year, our first, had the heaviest rainfall in Tassie for over 10 years and it was hard to imagine we were suffering from longterm drought. So far this year we have had less than a third of the rain we had by the end of May last year. One of our criteria in buying the land we built on was high rainfall and our paddock is still green whilst in other areas around Hobart there is little grass at all and the livestock are already been fed hay. Our outlook has really changed now we live in the country. I don't think I ever noticed when the paddocks were green or horses were being given additional feed around Cambridge.