Monday 29 December 2008

Almost seeing Sydney-Hobart yacht race

We both thought it would be cool to watch the tail-end of the Sydney-Hobart yacht race, particularly as there was a bit of a battle between the two leading contestants; Wild Oats XI and Skandia. However, two factors put us off: -
1. The expected time of arrival at Hobart battery point (finish line) was dawn.
2. Tasha decided to have a dodgy belly overnight.

Factor number 2 was bad, but number 1 was the outright winner. Not so bad if you've started partying the night before at 2am and exited the club at 6am, but a tad too much if you've been attacking the home-made margarita ice-cream and red wine whilst watching a crappy lat-night film!!

However, we managed to make it to Hobart during Sunday (reasonable hours) and did have a sticky beak at the yacht's in the harbour. None of the crew were around - they were all in the pub!

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