Friday 9 January 2009

The agony and ecstasy of building

We had our next meeting with Bill and Rowan, our architect and builder, this week. Bill has been busy over Christmas and has designed the first plan of our home and it's beautiful and bigger than we had expected, but of course there is a catch. Rowan's first guesstimate on cost is that it will be $20K over budget and it doesn't have a garage or workshop for J's woodworking which would make it $40K over budget! It's awful, it's like someone's given you a new toy to play with, one that you really love, and now you have to give it back!!! Soooooo, Rowan is getting more info on costs and we're looking at what changes we would be prepared to make to save costs and Rowan and I are meeting next week for a chat. Plus, J and I will be looking at kitchens, bathrooms and tiles this weekend. Within Rowan's budget there are allowances for each of these. We have no idea what things cost here so we're window shopping on the weekend to see if we can make any savings, or more likely that the allowances are inadequate for the things we'll want which will push us further over budget!!!!! Still, it's really exciting!

We're so tempted to post the plan on the blog, but don't want to jinx our chances of being able to afford the house, or a version of it. Will let you know whether or not we're going for it next week.

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