Monday 13 April 2009

On the move again - this time with work

The Red Cross area that I work in has moved out of Hobart to a suburb called Bridgewater, 30 mins north of Hobart. Of course we currently live to the south giving me a 45 mins drive to work which will increase to an hour when we move into our house. The traffic is nowhere near what you would get in the UK - Hobart doesn't 'do' rush hour - and the views are amazing for part of my drive, so at the mo I don't mind at all. Will let you know what I think in the depths of winter....

Bridgewater is a deprived suburb and so we have moved there to promote our existing programmes within the community and to develop Bridgewater specific programmes. This is a new initiative in Oz and if successful will be duplicated in other parts of Tas and on the mainland.

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