Saturday 10 October 2009

A long lost friend

On my travels around Australia I've been to Adelaide in South Australia. So what you say. Well, Adelaide is where my best friend used to live. I met Laurene in 1987 at the pub I worked in a couple of nights a week. (Incidentally, I met J there. It was a great pub!!!)Laurene was a Kiwi travelling in the UK and we hit it off immediately. She moved to Oz not long after I arrived here in 1988 and we shared a flat for a while before Laurene moved to Adelaide to be near her family. We saw each other on weekends - I still remember the overnight 12 hour bus trips!! Anyway, Laurene and I lost touch, last exchanging emails in 2002. As my trip approached I found my old address book and couldn't believe it when I realised that Laurene still lived in the same house! I gave her a call not knowing what kind of reaction I'd get. After all, it had been 13 years since we'd last seen each other. I needn't have worried. It was as if we'd never been apart. I can't believe we talked so much in the 2 evenings we spent together. What an extraordinary friendship we have. I can't wait to see her again.

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