Saturday 27 September 2008

Kiwi Can't

After a very early start to catch a plane from Auckland to Melbourne, we find ourselves stuck in a metal tube with wings which can't fly. As we sat there it became apparent that we would miss our onward connecting flight to Hobart. Ironically this is the only time we had a connecting flight!
Air New Zealand's response to our, and others', predicament was to provide us with the use of one mobile 'phone between 5 passengers whilst they fixed and retested the engines. Unfortunately, our Melbourne - Hobart carrier weren't up at 7am to deal with our call so we had to forfeit our tickets.
After arriving at Melbourne airport we then had to re-book new tickets at additional cost to us - not very satisfactory all round! We finally arrived in Tasmania, our final destination, tired, relieved and somewhat later than expected.

Kiwi Can

Overwhelmed with the hospitality extended to us by friends MJ and Alex in Auckland, NZ. This included the use of their car, mobile 'phone and broadband along with great food, accommodation and comedy banter.
Can't get much better than that!

Also managed to get to see the bone doctor (Chiropracter) to sort out my dodgy back, not just once but twice in one day. Bit sore afterwards, but well worth it.

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Horses and Hospitals

We agreed that it would be quite nice to go horse riding together on Rarotonga, so booked to go on Friday morning. I was looking forward to a gentle plodding walk through the lush countryside, onto the beach, past the waterfall and back. Unfortunately, the reality was somewhat different, with much trotting/cantering, much to Julie's delight but less so mine.
15 minutes in and my recurring back problem flared. After declining to continue any further I left Julie and the rest of the group to trot/canter to their hearts desire and hobbled back to the start point. Nearly two hours later I arrived back to find them waiting, with our guide out on his scooter looking for me.
Saturday morning found me in increased pain and after popping Neurofen we decided to take a trip to Rarotonga Hospital knowing there wasn't a chiropractor on the island. There is an Asian Chiropractor who visits a couple of times a year, stays for a week and gives free consultations. He had, of course, just left.
The hospital structure was OK, the free range chickens in the car park added a nice touch! Rarotongans are renowned for their love of DVDs. The waiting area therefore consisted of chairs facing a TV. We watched the end of Alvin and the Chipmunks and the beginning of the The Fellowship of the Ring extended version - an eclectic mix!
The doctor was nice, acknowledging her inability to help beyond provision of pain killers which at least enabled me to be mildly mobile.
Another day, another country and today we're in Auckland and have already been to see Barry the Chiropractor with another visit scheduled for this afternoon.
Julie and I have agreed that in future she will go riding alone!!

Friday 19 September 2008

Speedy Gonzales

After taking my Cook Islands driving 'test', involving presentation of my UK driving licence, and intimating to the very nice islander that I had much experience of driving all types of vehicles, we have hired a very simple moped for a few days.
I have been overtaken by virtually everyone, including young school-kids, grandmothers with bags of shopping and all other tourists. My excuse is that I am adopting the Cook Island time philosophy, which centres on the premise that there is no need to rush anything!
This life experience has taught me that my potential to win the next Moto GP is, shall we say, 'limited'.

Wednesday 17 September 2008

Rarotonga is amazing!

Arrived yesterday at 6am, then waited until 12 for our room whilst extremely jet lagged. Never mind, our room has the most amazing view over the ocean and the reef and our jet lag has been cured by a good nights sleep. Just have to explore the rest of the island....... pics to follow, having a few technical difficulties with the pc in the backpackers we are staying in.

Pleased to say that we are having our usual affect on the weather and the sun hasn't shone for more than 10 mins since we arrived - unusually bad weather!!!

Saturday 13 September 2008

The delights of Terminal 3

Only a few hours to go until the adventure begins. It's a shame to be spending them in Terminal 3. Perhaps next time we'll book our airline by which terminal they use at Heathrow rather than by cost - as if!!!!

Thursday 11 September 2008

Dogs in space!

Well not quite dogs in space, but Tasha and Smoke (our dog and cat) are now at 28,000 feet. We were told it would be more stressful for us than them, let's hope it's true! So they arrive on Friday morning and we leave the UK on Saturday. Not long now........

Update: Both safely arrived and enjoying (!) the hospitality of the Australian quarantine service.