Tuesday 23 September 2008

Horses and Hospitals

We agreed that it would be quite nice to go horse riding together on Rarotonga, so booked to go on Friday morning. I was looking forward to a gentle plodding walk through the lush countryside, onto the beach, past the waterfall and back. Unfortunately, the reality was somewhat different, with much trotting/cantering, much to Julie's delight but less so mine.
15 minutes in and my recurring back problem flared. After declining to continue any further I left Julie and the rest of the group to trot/canter to their hearts desire and hobbled back to the start point. Nearly two hours later I arrived back to find them waiting, with our guide out on his scooter looking for me.
Saturday morning found me in increased pain and after popping Neurofen we decided to take a trip to Rarotonga Hospital knowing there wasn't a chiropractor on the island. There is an Asian Chiropractor who visits a couple of times a year, stays for a week and gives free consultations. He had, of course, just left.
The hospital structure was OK, the free range chickens in the car park added a nice touch! Rarotongans are renowned for their love of DVDs. The waiting area therefore consisted of chairs facing a TV. We watched the end of Alvin and the Chipmunks and the beginning of the The Fellowship of the Ring extended version - an eclectic mix!
The doctor was nice, acknowledging her inability to help beyond provision of pain killers which at least enabled me to be mildly mobile.
Another day, another country and today we're in Auckland and have already been to see Barry the Chiropractor with another visit scheduled for this afternoon.
Julie and I have agreed that in future she will go riding alone!!

1 comment:

Robert said...

Ouch! - You should know better at your age - Seriously, get well soon.