Wednesday 25 March 2009

J gets his legs back

Sounds a bit, well, medical, but fear not dear surfers!

It is merely a reference to my gradually improving fitness as I continue to cycle to work whenever the opportunity arises. This is about a 17km ride each way, or for those imperialists out there, about 11 miles. In stark contrast to the Cambridgeshire countryside that used to be my 'turf' in England, the terrain in Tas is largely on the steep side. Depending on which side of each hill or mountain you're on, clearly this is either: -
a) great fun albeit slightly frightening at times, especially on sharp corners in the wet
b) a lactic-acid inducing, lung 'n' heart-busting slog

The net result though is plenty of fresh air, fab views, and good all round exercise. Can't be bad!

Thursday 5 March 2009

Julie's got a new job

Well, another job actually. I applied for and got another part time job with the Red Cross. This time it is managing a government funded scheme where Red Cross volunteers visit clients in aged care homes. I will be looking after the south of Tas.

My current contract with Emergency Services ends at the end of June and unless they get further funding there will be no extension. So this new contract gives us financial security for the next 12 months. Great whilst we are building and while we wait and see what happens to the Ozzie economy.

I start in just over a week and whilst excited about the job am not looking forward to working full time again even if it is only 3.5 months- sorry to all full time workers! In reality I have been practically full time for the last month and am not sure how I will physically do both; but things are quietening down in Victoria and where there's a will there's a way!

The fires still burn....

I can't believe it is a month since 'Black Saturday', the day of the worst fires in Australian history, and four fires are still burning. The weather, though, is turning and the CFA (or fireys as they are known here) are on the offensive for the first time.

I spent 9 days in Melbourne, mainly doing what I do in Tas. I was training spontaneous volunteers - people who had come forward in the week since the fires began. I was mainly training social workers and psychologists who would then be placed out in the field to give to support to Red Cross volunteers and staff. As you can imagine they were an interesting participant group and we had some in-depth and sometimes random discussions during sessions! I spent one day out in the field. I went to Taralgon, Churchill and Boolara, all about 2 hours east of Melbourne. I saw faces that showed vividly the experiences that some had been through and other survivors smiling and laughing and promising to rebuild. I can't describe the destruction or the contrary way the fire took one house and not it's neighbour; how a wood was completely burnt but the grass at it's edge was still green and unmarked. So to give you a clearer idea I have attached two web links to photos on YouTube. The first shows pictures from the fire and the second the work of the Red Cross since 'Black Saturday'

When you see the photos it is astounding to think that whilst driving through an affected area I was on a road where to the left were just a few houses standing with everything around them burnt and to the right was a cricket pitch with guys playing cricket only 7 days after the fire started. What is called here 'the Aussie battler spirit' has been very apparent in those I've spoken to and in the media. Life goes on.

In the last week I've been working in what is known as the State Inquiry Centre (SIC). This is the free phone number that people call to let us know that they are safe when they have evacuated and where friends and family call for news of their loved ones. Red Cross manages this service on behalf of the Australian Police. It's currently being run on a shift basis in 3 states with Tas answering the phones from 8am - 2pm. I'm off today, but co-ordinating the SIC again tomorrow. Although really busy on Monday and Tuesday as another severe weather front was predicted and many people evacuated, the fires were contained and the number of calls we're receiving has dropped and the last Tas shift maybe tomorrow......