Wednesday 25 March 2009

J gets his legs back

Sounds a bit, well, medical, but fear not dear surfers!

It is merely a reference to my gradually improving fitness as I continue to cycle to work whenever the opportunity arises. This is about a 17km ride each way, or for those imperialists out there, about 11 miles. In stark contrast to the Cambridgeshire countryside that used to be my 'turf' in England, the terrain in Tas is largely on the steep side. Depending on which side of each hill or mountain you're on, clearly this is either: -
a) great fun albeit slightly frightening at times, especially on sharp corners in the wet
b) a lactic-acid inducing, lung 'n' heart-busting slog

The net result though is plenty of fresh air, fab views, and good all round exercise. Can't be bad!

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