Thursday 5 March 2009

Julie's got a new job

Well, another job actually. I applied for and got another part time job with the Red Cross. This time it is managing a government funded scheme where Red Cross volunteers visit clients in aged care homes. I will be looking after the south of Tas.

My current contract with Emergency Services ends at the end of June and unless they get further funding there will be no extension. So this new contract gives us financial security for the next 12 months. Great whilst we are building and while we wait and see what happens to the Ozzie economy.

I start in just over a week and whilst excited about the job am not looking forward to working full time again even if it is only 3.5 months- sorry to all full time workers! In reality I have been practically full time for the last month and am not sure how I will physically do both; but things are quietening down in Victoria and where there's a will there's a way!

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