Wednesday 22 October 2008

Fran at the Oyster Cove Chalet

We stayed at the Oyster Cove Chalet for 2 weeks when we first arrived and Fran was our host. It’s a beautiful location. At breakfast we would look down the lawn and see the Cockatoos waiting to be fed or the so called “Turbo Chooks” running around with their babies. I don’t know what Turbo Chooks are actually called, but they’ve got really long legs and could challenge Usain Bolt at the 100m.

Fran is an amazing woman, really friendly and kind. Originally from Adelaide, she moved here 8 years ago with her partner Gary and they set up the business 5 years later. Fran has been showing me the ropes and has introduced me to the fact that it’s not what you know, but who you. The prices in shops are just a guideline if you know the right people. Shopping with Fran can be $100 cheaper than if I had shopped by myself. When we come to buy a TV, or spare bed (so you’ll have somewhere to sleep when you come and stay) Fran will come shopping with me.

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