Thursday 2 October 2008

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Intuitively we have complied with Maslow's theory and focused our immediate effort on the 'physiological' and 'safety' aspects of life, e.g. food, water, sleep, employment etc.
We already had a limited period of self-catering accomodation and hire car booked before we arrived, but we have spent a lot of time over the past week in finding and securing a house to rent (that accepts pets), and buying a secondhand car. We found that we were short of the usually expected identification, e.g. previous Oz utility bills; Oz drivers licence; etc but have managed to bluff our way through this. What also helped enormously is an offer of employment for me (J) following a third and final interview with the CEO of Etech Group I start work on Friday 3rd - gulp.
This certainly will help offset the financial haemorrhage that appears to accompany the process of emigration to, and set up in, another continent. The spreadsheet-based budget is a constantly evolving picture at this stage!

We have taken a little time to drive around the environs of Hobart and, once we have proper internet connectivity (rather than snatched time in cafes), we will post some more pictures. Here's one of the esplanade at Margate to keep you going - bit too expensive here for a house though!

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