Tuesday 28 October 2008

My daily routine

We’ve been in our rented house in Kingston now for a few weeks and are settling into a routine. We get up and have breakfast and then I chauffeur J to work. This is a 15 minute drive, part of which is down a long sweeping hill which affords us an amazing view of the yachts in the harbour just outside Hobart. So beautiful when the sun is glistening on the water. That’s the main difference between the weather here and in the UK, although it’s spring and the temperatures can be cool the days are mainly clear and sunny – brill.
Anyway, I drop J off to work then drive the 15 minutes back to Kingston up the dual carriageway, or slightly longer if I take the coast road, and stop off at the beach to take Tasha for a walk. Dog walking is quite regulated here. There are only certain places that you can take dogs for a walk other than on the street and most of these you have to walk the dogs on the lead. The beach at Kingston is an amazing place for dogs. There are loads of them and they all run around like mad things playing with each other. All of them, that is, except Tasha. Never hugely social with other dogs whilst Molly was alive, Tasha is now reticent to go near any dog that isn’t a Jack Russell (she loves them – just wants to play!). Some days I have to practically drag her onto the beach. The dilemma is do I just walk her on the lead or force her onto the beach and mix with other dogs – all advice welcome……
After the beach I set about my chores for the day. These obviously include the usual of course – washing up, clothes washing etc, job applications, looking at houses and/or plots of land to buy, time at the on-line centre at the library (we will have broadband at home one day!!!) before I set off to pick up J at the end of the day. In reality I spend far too long driving about looking at potential places to live, but it is such fun……

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