Monday 27 October 2008

Two go mad in Bruny

One of the reasons we moved to Hobart was the easy access to the countryside. So our aim is take a trip every Sunday, or at least every other Sunday and enjoy all that Tassie has to offer. So last Sunday we took the car on the ferry over to Bruny Island.
Up quite early to catch the 9.30am ferry only to find a long queue of cars and commercials in front of us. Fortunately we were the penultimate vehicle allowed on, followed by a girl who had driven 2 hours to catch this particular ferry crossing. She looked particularly relieved, as the next ferry involved a wait of an hour and a half.
We stopped at the Bruny Island Cheese Company shortly after unloading to grab a coffee, and were easily persuaded into cheese tasting followed, obviously, by cheese purchasing.

Enjoyed scoffing our picnic lunch sat on the beach listening to the surf and sea-birds, and then took our time to motor around some more of the island. We vowed that we would come back and camp so that we had more time to explore, including an overnight observation of the Fairy penguins.

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