Friday 24 October 2008

Long nose and noisy come home!

We were both really excited as we drove to the airport to pick up Tasha and Smoke and there they were, both in cages loaded on the back of a trolley. Smoke started meowing when he saw us and Tasha stopped shaking. She was so thin, not as thin as when we’d first got her, but she’d lost a lot of weight and had found quarantine distressing as we feared she would. At that moment I thought we’d done the wrong thing bringing her here.

On the way home we stopped at a beach to give Tasha a walk and although she didn’t run with joy she was clearly happy. Whether it was to see us or just to be free we weren’t sure. On arrival at home Tasha went straight to sleep and Smoke explored the whole house, every nook and cranny in a way that only a cat knows how.

It is now a week later and they have both settled in. Smoke is still clingy and wants to be with us wherever we are, but has at least stopped howling outside our bedroom door at night, thank god! We did let him in one night, but he spent the time stomping all over us or meowing at my head. As you can imagine the next night Smoke was firmly located on the other side of a closed bedroom door!

Tasha is her old self, as mad as a hatter, asking every morning for a walk, letting us know when she wants something and asking to sit on the sofa with us - OK, we’re softies! She is gradually gaining weight and I know we did the right thing bringing her rather than re-homing her.

As I type this the sun is streaming through the window behind me and Smoke is asleep beside me, where else but in the sun. I know that if I sit here long enough Tasha will join us, although 3 of us on the sofa can get a little busy – Tasha wiggles!

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